5 useful fixed expressions

Do you know what a fixed expression is? Fixed expressions are very used in English as well as in Spanish. it is an expression that has taken on a more specific meaning than the expression itself.  ¿Sabes qué es una fixed expression? Las fixed expressions son muy usadas en inglés así como en español. Son expresiones que han tomado un significado especifico, lo que llamamos «frase hecha».

Now that we already know what a fixed expression is, we are going to learn 5 very useful sentences that can help us when we speak English. Ahora que ya sabemos que es una fixed expression, vamos a aprender 5 frases muy útiles que pueden ayudarnos mucho cuando hablemos en inglés:

  1. To push the boat out. The literal translation of this sentence is «Empujar el barco», however we in Spanish say: «Tirar la casa por la ventana». Example: After the exams, the students decided to push the boat out and have a party. Despues de los exámenes, los estudiantes decidieron tirar la casa por la ventana y hacer una fiesta.

2. By the skin of your teeth. This is a weird one. The literal translation of this sentence is «Por la piel de tus dientes», however we in Spanish say: «Por los pelos». Example: You passed your exam by the skin of your teeth. Aprovaste el examen por los pelos.

3. It’s a piece of cake. You may have heard this expression more than once. In Spanish, the adaptation of this phrase would be: «Ser pan comido». Example: English is a piece of cake. El inglés es pan comido.

4. All mouth and no trousers. This one is quite funny. The literal translation is «Todo boca y sin pantalones», but in Spanish we say «Perro ladrador, poco mordedor». Example: Don’t listen to her, she is all mouth and no trousers. If you want, you can shorten this sentence and just say «it’s all mouth». Example: Don’t listen to her, she is all mouth. No la escuches, perro ladrador poco mordedor.

5. The dog’s bollocks. Although this expression is a little rude, it is widely used in British English. So, if you want to use it, remember to use it only in informal contexts! The literal translation is «Los huevos del perro», but the adaptation to Spanish is «Eres la leche». So please, don’t use «you’re the milk» because nobody will understand you. Example: That film is the dog’s bollocks. Esa peli es la leche.

Now you are ready to start using these simple and funny phrases. Good luck and enjoy! 🙂 Ahora ya estás list@ para empezar a usar estas frases tan simples y divertidas. ¡Buena suerte y a disfrutar! 🙂